By kind permission of Bill Neate
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Tom was one of the prime movers in the long campaign to open up to the public the vast tracts of hitherto forbidden moorlands of the North of England.
Tom Stephenson in February 1983
And he is, quite rightly, considered to be the ‘Father’ of the Pennine Way.
Madge Stephenson near Shepherds Crag, Borrowdale, date unknown
Enthusiastically supported by his wife and fellow Tricouni Club member, Madge, Tom strove to keep existing footpaths, up and down the country, open to the public and where possible to establish new rights of way. Tom Stephenson: 1893 - 1987
Tom was a keen member of the Tricouni Club, but to the British public he is mainly remembered for his tireless work over many years as General Secretary of the Ramblers Association.
Tom Stephenson wasn’t ‘just’ a walker. Both he and Madge were very useful rock climbers in their day. The accompanying 2 photos show Tom and Madge each leading routes at Kern Knotts on Great Gable sometime in 1942.